space space

Blaise Muller

Designer:Blaise Muller
Award Winning Games:Auswahlliste 'Spiel des Jahres' (Selection List for Game of the Year)Quarto (1993)
Biography:1993 "Quart!" on the selection list of "Spiel des Jahres"

Published games

Le Bois des Couadsous2015Jeux OplaBlaise MullerBoard 
Quarto1994F.X. SchmidBlaise MullerBoard 
Quarto Pocket2013GigamicBlaise MullerBoard 
Quarto!1991GigamicBlaise MullerBoard 
Quarto!1994Great American Trading Company,TheBlaise MullerBoard 
Quarto!1998Pressman Toy CorporationBlaise MullerBoard 
Quarto! Magnetic2000GigamicBlaise MullerBoard 
Quarto! Travel1991GigamicBlaise MullerBoard 

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